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Written by Administrator   
Friday, 25 February 2011 23:51
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                   Ao longo de um exaustivo e cansativo ano para a obtenção da licença da nossa                                                                                                      Raça " Rottweiler " é com grande prazer e felecidade que o canil Villa Zadones informa que                                                                                                         a obtenção da mesma foi concedida pelas entidades oficiais.  A todos que estiveram                                                                                                         envolvidos nesta "Luta" o nosso Muito Obrigado!!!

Neste momento de grande realização e de... extrema alegria para o canil Villa Zadones é a
altura ideal para agradecer a quem esteve desde 1997 e para quem entrou após esse ano
continua a estar envolvido no desenvolvimento e crescimento do nosso "projeto" !!!

                                                                        Um Muito Obrigado
                                                                               Nuno Cruz

                  Throughout an exhaustive and exhausting year for obtaining the license for our
race "Rottweiler" is a great pleasure and blissful the kennel Villa Zadones reports that
obtaining the same was granted by the official authorities. To all who were involved in this
"Fight" our Thank You!

At this moment of great accomplishment and extreme joy for the kennel Villa Zadones is
the perfect time to acknowledge who was from 1997 and who went after this year continues
to be involved in developing and growing our "project"!
                                                                                   Thank You
                                                                                   Nuno Cruz
Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 16:29


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